Hot Wheels id FXB38 is 05/06 in the 2019 Nightburnerz series. The bus is clear-coated Zamac with a black, red, and yellow triple stripe along the top, back, and sides.
“Volkswagen Racing” “25 GT”, “RRS Riehlman Race Service”, and “Nightburnerz” decorates the sides. There are headlight and taillight details and the Hot Wheels id logo can be found on the sides and back.
It has a dark tinted roof and windows, a chrome interior, and a red tinted base. The black id wheels have “Nightburnerz HWID Series”, red lines, and chrome rims.
This is the Hot Wheels debut of the Volkswagen T1-GTR. It is an original design of a Volkswagen bus that has been modified for racing.
The textured plastic roof on the Volkswagen T1-GTR is removable.
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