Hot Wheels id GMK98 is 01/04 in the 2020 Drift Domination series. The car is Spectraflame black with blue, gold, and white graphics.
“snd” decorates the hood and “Shiftndrift” is emblazoned on the sides. “Shift 101”, “Sidways”, and “27” is on the hood and sides. The Hot Wheels id logo can also be found on the sides.
It has blue tinted windows, a black interior, and a purple tinted base. The black id wheels have “Drift Domination HWID Series”, blue dashed lines, and gold chrome rims.
The Time Shifter made its Hot Wheels debut in the 2017 HW City Works series. It is an original design of a high-speed delivery van.
UPS Ground delivered about 3.5 billion packages in 2017.
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