Hot Wheels id FXB30 is 02/05 in the 2019 HW Metro series. The car is Spectraflame gold embellished with crisscrossing black, white, and checkered stripes.
Decorating the hood and doors is “Time Attaxi Driver” and a crazy cartoon character. There is one black door and the Hot Wheels id logo is on the rear fender panels.
It has blue tinted windows, a black interior, and a clear tinted base. The black id wheels feature “HW Metro HWID Series”. The front wheels have blue dashed lines and gold trim and the back wheels have gold dashed lines and blue trim.
The Time Attaxi made its Hot Wheels debut in the 2016 HW City Works series. It is an original Hot Wheels design based upon the Toyota Crown Comfort.
The Toyota Comfort was released in 1995 and was designed for use as a taxicab in Japan.
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