Hot Wheels id FXB23 is 05/05 in the 2019 HW Race Team series. The race car is Spectraflame black with blue lightning graphics and white stripes along the top.
A Hot Wheels Racing logo is on the sides and “19” is on the hood and sides. A variety of logos and the Hot Wheels id logo can also be found on the hood and sides.
It has blue tinted windows, a black interior, and a tinted base. The black id wheels have “HW Race Team HWID Series”, blue lines, and chrome trim.
A green version of the Rally Finale was also included in the Smart Track Kit.
This is the Hot Wheels debut of the Rally Finale. It is an original design of a rally car.
The Le Petit Journal Horseless Carriages Contest from Paris to Rouen on July 22, 1894 is considered the first motoring competition.
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