Hot Wheels id FXB22 is 04/05 in the 2019 HW Race Team series. The racing car is Spectraflame red detailed with black, white, and gold stripes and graphics.
A large Hot Wheels Racing logo is on the sides, “25” is on the roof and sides, and “Riehlman” and a variety of logos are all over the car. The Hot Wheels id logo can be found on the sides, hood, and back.
It has tinted windows, a red interior, and a clear tinted base. The black id wheels have “HW Race Team HWID Series”, gold lines, and red trim.
This is the Hot Wheels debut of the Oval Drive. It is an original design of a stock car.
The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) was founded by Bill France Sr. in 1948.
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