HBG31 is 03/03 in the Baja Blazers series from Hot Wheels id Series 2. The 2022 release is Spectraflame tan obscured by brown camouflage and red stripes and graphics.
“019” details the hood and sides. A Hot Wheels crest along with “Baja Long Travel” and “HW Support” are also on the sides.
The truck has red tinted windows, a black interior, and a tinted base. The off-road id wheels have “Baja Blazers HWID Series” and red lines.
The Mercedes-Benz Unimog 1300L made its Hot Wheels debut in the 2019 HW Hot Trucks series.
The Unimog has a turbocharged engine, front tow winch, and a pair spare wheels in the back.
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