Hot Wheels id FXB48 is 04/05 in the 2019 Moving Forward series. The car is clear-coated Zamac detailed with orange graphics and dotted stripes.
Blue WiFi logos are by the windows, Hot Wheels id emblems are on the sides and nose, and “Build. Connect. Compete.” is on the sides. Grey Hot Wheels id logos are on the roof.
It has dark tinted windows, a grey interior, and an orange tinted base. The black id wheels have “Moving Forward HWID Series”, red dashed lines, and gold rims.
The Mach Speeder made its Hot Wheels debut in the 2018 Legends of Speed series. It is an original design of a racing car.
The Mach Speeder has a twin turbo hybrid V6 engine driving the rear wheels and electric motors driving the front wheels.
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