Hot Wheels id FXB46 is 03/05 in the 2019 HW Metro series. The car is clear-coated Zamac detailed with black, blue, and orange stripes that end in flames.
Decorating the sides is a H.W. Mail graphic, “The Mailman”, “Phil Riehlman”, “R/B”, “508”, and other logos. There are headlight and taillight details and the Hot Wheels id logo is on the roof.
It has tinted windows, a black interior, and a clear tinted base. The black id wheels feature “HW Metro HWID Series”, gold dashed lines, and chrome rims.
This is the Hot Wheels debut of the Jeep DJ-Express.
The Jeep DJ-Express was designed by Phil Riehlman who has been designing Hot Wheels since 1993.
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