HBG25 is 02/03 in the HW Hot Trucks series from Hot Wheels id Series 2. The 2022 release is clear-coated Zamac emblazoned with jagged black and red lightning graphics.
A Freightliner logo and a variety of sponsor logos are plastered on the hood and sides. “10” along with a Hot Wheels id logo are displayed on the doors. The Hot Wheels id logo also appears on the rear wing.
The truck has tinted windows, a chrome interior, and a tinted base. The id-2 wheels wheels have white sidewalls in front and red sidewalls in back.
This is the Hot Wheels debut of the Freightliner Race Truck.
The Freightliner Race Truck was inspired by Mike Ryan’s Banks Super-Turbo Pikes Peak Freightliner which has a 14.0L Detroit Diesel Series 60 engine that produces 2,400 horsepower.
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