Hot Wheels id HBF88 is 01/04 in the 2020 HW Daredevils series. The car is clear-coated Zamac detailed with red, orange, black, and white graphics.
Stripes with stars and crisscrossed lightning bolts decorate the top and sides. “13” is on the hood and sides and flames with “Dare Devils” is also on the sides. The Hot Wheels id logo can be found on the roof.
It has orange tinted windows, a black interior, and a red tinted base. The black id wheels have “HW Daredevils HWID Series”, white dashed lines, and chrome trim.
The Ford RS200 made its Hot Wheels debut in the Car Culture: Thrill Climbers series.
The RS200 features a rear mid-mounted engine, all-wheel drive, and a five-speed manual transmission.
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