Hot Wheels id FXB29 is 01/05 in the 2019 HW Metro series. The car is Spectraflame orange with a green stripe outlined with thin white stripes on the roof and sides.
Decorating the hood and doors is a “Hot Ron’s Hot Wheels Pizza Delivery” graphic. There are headlight and taillight details and the Hot Wheels id logo is on the sides.
It has tinted windows, a black interior, and a clear base. The black id wheels have “HW Metro HWID Series”, dashed lines, and silver rims.
The Fiat 500e made its Hot Wheels debut in the 2014 HW City series. It is based upon the electric city car of the same name.
The Fiat 500e has a thermally managed lithium-ion battery that allows the car to travel about 80 miles per charge.
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