Hot Wheels id HBF96 is 03/04 in the 2020 HW Daredevils series. The car is Spectraflame grey detailed with black, white, and yellow graphics.
A “1” with a star inside a white circle is on the sides and hood. “Send It” is also on the hood and “Shin Racing” is on the sides along with other logos. The Hot Wheels id logo can be found on the trunk.
It has green tinted windows, a chrome interior, and a green tinted base. The black id wheels have “HW Daredevils HWID Series”, white lines, and green chrome rims.
The Driftsta made its Hot Wheels debut in the HW Workshop: HW Drift Race series.
Kunimitsu Takahashi is a former professional racing driver known as the "Father of Drifting". His racing style popularized drifting in the 1970s.
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