Hot Wheels id GWT05 is 01/01 in the 2020 Legends Tour series. The hot rod is Spectraflame red.
On the sides, “Bone Shaker” is above a skull chewing on the Hot Wheels logo. “H/W” is also on the sides.
It has a gold chrome interior and a tinted base. The black id wheels have white lines and gold trim.
The car is a 2020 Legends Tour exclusive. It uses the same graphics as the one in the 2020 HW Dream Garage mainline series.
This is the Bone Shaker’s third appearance as an id vehicle. It is a 2020 Chase and a 2019 HW Greats car.
The Hot Wheels Legends Tour visits 18 Walmarts in 2020. It has a car competition, life-size Hot Wheels cars, and special edition Legends merchandise.
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