Hot Wheels id HBF98 is 02/04 in the World Race series from id Series 2. The 2021 release is Spectraflame silver embellished with black, orange, and yellow graphics.
“5” and the Audi logo are on the hood and doors and “Audi Sport” and a variety of other logos decorate the car. There are headlight and taillight details.
It has red tinted windows, an orange interior, and a tinted base. The black id wheels have “World Race HWID Series”, red dashed lines, and red chrome trim.
The Audi R8 LMS made its first appearance as an id vehicle in the 2019 Nightburnerz series.
The Audi R8 LMS Cup is a one-make race series that began in 2012 and features race cars that comply with GT3 regulations.
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