Hot Wheels id HBG06 is 04/04 in the HW Turbo series from Series 2. The 2021 release is Spectraflame silver with blue, black, and purple graphics and lightning stripes.
“Turbo” is on the windshield and sides and “Miller Suspension” is on the back and sides. “89” as well as the Hot Wheels id logo are also on the sides. Headlight and taillight details complete the look.
It has purple tinted windows, a chrome interior, and a purple tinted base. The black id wheels have “HW Turbo HWID Series”, lines, and purple chrome rims.
The Asphalt Assault made its Hot Wheels debut in the 2004 First Editions series.
The Asphalt Assault has hood openings that expose the turbocharged 4-cylinder engine.
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