Hot Wheels id FXB03 is 01/05 in the 2019 Speed Demons series. The car is Spectraflame ice blue with red graphics, a white stripe at the back, and a wide red stripe outlined in silver across the top.
“Dodge” and a cartoon devil image is featured on the sides. “Speed Demons”, “R/T”, and the Hot Wheels id logo are also on the sides.
It has tinted windows, a black interior, and a tinted base. The black id wheels have “Speed Demons HWID Series”, red lines, and chrome rims.
The ’70 Dodge Charger R/T made its Hot Wheels debut in the 2011 New Models series. It is based upon the muscle car of the same name.
The 1970 Dodge Charger R/T had a list price of $3,711.
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