Hot Wheels id FXB19 is 01/05 in the 2019 HW Race Team series. The race car is Spectraflame blue with black and gold graphics of stars and lightning patterns.
“Hot Wheels Racing”, “69”, and other logos also decorate the car. There are headlight and taillight details and the Hot Wheels id logo is on the sides and on top behind the roll cage.
It has a blue roll cage, a black interior, and a clear base. The black id wheels have “HW Race Team HWID Series”, gold lines, and blue trim.
The ’69 Corvette Racer made its Hot Wheels debut in the 2016 Night Burnerz series. It is based upon a 1969 Corvette modified for racing.
The third generation Corvette was produced from 1968 to 1982 and was patterned after the Mako Shark II concept car.
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