Hot Wheels id FXB16 is 04/06 in the 2019 Factory Fresh series. The car is Spectraflame orange with double black stripes and silver accents.
There are headlight and taillight details and the Hot Wheels id logo is on the sides and rear license plate. A Hot Wheels 50th logo is also on the sides.
It has tinted windows, a black interior, and a clear base. The black id wheels have “Factory Fresh HWID Series” and orange lines.
The ’18 Camaro SS made its Hot Wheels debut in the 2018 Muscle Mania series. It is based upon the Camaro Hot Wheels Edition that celebrates 50 years of Hot Wheels.
The Camaro Hot Wheels Edition features an exclusive Crush exterior color and Hot Wheels 50th Anniversary badges on the fender, steering wheel, and door sill plates.
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