Hot Wheels id FXB18 is 06/06 in the 2019 Factory Fresh series. The car is Spectraflame aqua with a white circle on the doors and an outlined white stripe across the hood.
There are headlight and taillight details, “Jaguar” on the sides, and “Jaguar Project 7” on the back. The Hot Wheels id logo is on the sides and rear license plate.
It has a tinted windshield, a black interior, and a clear base. The id wheels have “Factory Fresh HWID Series”, blue lines, and gold rims.
The ’15 Jaguar F-Type Project 7 made its Hot Wheels debut in the 2015 HW Race series. It is based upon the collectors’ edition sports car of the same name.
The Jaguar F‑TYPE Project 7 goes from 0 to 60 mph in 3.8 seconds and has a top speed of 186 mph.
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